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Fixed Braces and Removable Braces

Here at Clapham South Dental, we offer various options for straightening teeth. Our dentists are providers of various teeth straightening systems, so we have all your needs covered.

We would be happy to discuss your treatment options with you because we believe braces are no longer just for the children. Adult Orthodontics is now a big part of our treatment plans.

We can cosmetically align your front teeth using quick and discreet clear braces options.

  • Damon System
  • Incognito
  • Inman Aligner
  • Invisalign

Benefits include having teeth straightened in a shortened period of time, enjoy the flexibility of your braces being 'invisible' using clear braces making you feel less self-conscious when socialising or speaking in public. With removable devices you can also take them out to eat or for special occasions, so they fit around your lifestyle.

Straighter teeth are healthier teeth. When your bite is properly aligned and your teeth are straightened, there are less gaps and areas for food to get trapped and plaque to build up on the teeth, causing decay.

Invisible orthodontics is a long-term investment in your oral health.

Removable Braces

Patients who suffer from crossbite often have a classic V shaped arch.

A removable appliance is custom made to fit the shape of each patients mouth.

Slowly, over months, it is expanded using the adjustment in the appliance.

Finally, the arch becomes U shaped.

Fixed Braced

A bracket is fitted to each tooth.

A wire is then connected to each bracket.

Bands secure the wire to the brackets.

Slowly, over several months, the wire is shortened pulling the teeth gently into line.