Health benefits of dental implants

Are you fed up with your dentures and want a more permanent solution?dental-implants-clapham

Our dentists at Clapham South Dental have the answer to correcting missing teeth long term, with the use of our dental implants Clapham, which look and feel just like natural teeth.

Below, our team at Clapham South discusses the real-world health benefits of dental implants Clapham, to help you get a better idea of whether this treatment is right for you or not. Enjoy!

Improved oral health

Firstly, a mouth full of teeth is less likely to suffer from tooth decay or gum disease.

Why? Because gaps in the teeth can act as a magnet for plaque, which can lead to both of these issues and more. When you have dental implants Clapham fitted, you are blocking gaps and reducing difficult to reach spots, resulting in better overall oral health.

Varied diet

When you have missing teeth, or if you are wearing dentures, there is a chance that your diet may not be as varied as it once was.

And as we all know, a varied diet is important for physical and mental wellbeing. When it comes to oral implants, these affixed prosthetics will enable you to eat whichever foods you want without worrying about movement or discomfort, allowing for a better overall diet. Great!

Settled stomach

While it is easy to focus on cosmetics, your teeth and jaws are actually the first stages in the digestive system.

And so, if you have any teeth missing, that means that it is going to be harder for you to bite into and chew food correctly. As a result, larger pieces of food will hit the stomach and can cause issues such as acid reflux, indigestion, even gastrointestinal reflux disease or GERD.

By fitting implants, you are ensuring that your teeth will always be strong and stable enough to bite into and chew food, allowing for a more settled stomach.

Better sleep

If you have suffered the loss of multiple teeth, specifically molars, then it is likely your sleep may be affected.

Why? Because when you sleep, the muscles in your face relax and, if you have gaps or incorrect misalignment, then your upper and lower jaw are more likely to be grinding against each other. And that, in turn, may lead to an increase in waking up during the night, headaches, jaw pain and even migraines in the morning. Not great!

By having implants fitted, you will allow your teeth to slot together properly, even when you sleep, reducing waking spells, migraines and reducing the likelihood of developing temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ.


And finally, you can’t put a price on confidence!

As you know, when you have gaps in your smile, or if you feel uncertain about the strength of the denture glue you are using, this can greatly impact the time you spend smiling.

And as studies have found, smiling not only improves your mood but also impacts your confidence and even your creativity, due to the link between smiling and brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin.

By having dental implants fitted, you will close gaps in your smile, will have no worries about denture movement and will, overall, feel better in yourself. What’s not to like about that?