Want straighter teeth without the hassle? Four reasons to try clear braces with Clapham South Dental Centre

As an adult, life can be tough. Especially when you are faced with cosmetic decisions.

Many people wrongly assume that cosmetic procedures equate to vanity when in actuality, cosmetic treatments relate to higher levels of happiness, pride and most of all, higher confidence levels. The same is true for cosmetic dentistry.

clear-braces-claphamAs cosmetic options become more affordable and accessible for everyday people, more and more people are turning to their dental surgeries to give their smiles a boost. If you have a less than perfectly aligned smile, you may think that there is no cosmetic option that can help you achieve that perfectly straight, white smile.

Luckily, you are wrong!

At Clapham South Dental, we are able to offer cosmetic dental treatments to everyone! From a simple tooth whitening to clear braces in Clapham, as long as your teeth and gums are healthy, we can help you improve your smile!

But why should you consider clear braces in Clapham as an option for straightening your teeth?

No dietary restrictions

We all remember that one child at school who wore orthodontic braces who seemingly couldn’t eat anything sticky or sugary, for fear of it becoming stuck to their braces.

As any invisible aligner we fit for you at Clapham South Dental will typically be removable, there are no dietary restrictions, you can eat whatever you wish without worrying about repercussions.

No prolonged dental visits

As an adult, you are busy juggling work, family life, and other social commitments; you don’t have time on your schedule for anything long-winded!

When you have clear braces in Clapham fitted, you will need to see a member of our dental team every 6-8 weeks. During these visits, your aligners will not need adjusting, it is to ensure that your teeth are moving as predicted.

Easier to maintain

Remember how we mentioned being able to take out your brace when eating?

As long as you wear any invisible braces for up to 22 hours a day, you can remove them to eat, clean your teeth, play sports – whatever you want!

Also, as our clear aligners are usually made from durable but malleable plastic, they are easy to care for and require nothing more than a quick rinse under the tap to keep them clean! Now that’s convenient!

Comfortable to wear

After reading that you will need to wear any clear aligners for 22 hours a day, you will probably have worked out that that will inevitably include wearing them overnight.Not to worry!

Unlike traditional aligners that have bits of metal that can rub against your inner cheeks and tongue and cause irritation, our clear and invisible braces are custom-fitted to slot over your teeth like a glove. They are also extremely smooth and thin, so there is no bulkiness or protruding bits of metal to worry about as you put your head down for the night!

Contact our team today for more information about clear aligners and to book a consultation.

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